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Awareness. Protection. Prevention.

There are seven dedicated Cybercrime Units across the Eastern Region (Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Norfolk & Suffolk) who work to support organisations and communities when they have been victims of cybercrime and fraud. The Cybercrime Units are regionally coordinated by the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU) and come together to form the Eastern Fraud and Cyber Protect Network.
Arran Ostridge
Cyber Protect Officer
Kent Police

Arran joined Kent Police in September 2020 as a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO), gaining experience across various areas of Kent throughout his tenure. After several years in the PCSO role, Arran developed a keen interest in cybersecurity and sought a position that aligned more closely with his evolving career aspirations. In July 2023, he transitioned to the Serious Crime Directorate, where he now serves as a Cyber Prevent & Protect Officer, working alongside his colleague, Lee. In this capacity, Arran has further expanded his expertise in the field of cybersecurity.
Gavin Saunders
Cyber Protect Officer
Essex Police

Gavin is also a part of a national Cyber Protect network ,engaging with everyone from school children to the older generation, individuals and businesses providing bespoke cyber security advice. This is conducted by delivering sessions at community events and talks for groups, networking and online training using materials and guidance from the National Cyber Security Centre and other sources.
Chen Tsui
Cyber Protect and Prevent Officer
Hertfordshire Constabulary

Chen is the Cyber Protect and Prevent Officer and works for the Serous Fraud and Cyber Unit in Hertfordshire Constabulary. As part of Team Cyber UK network, Chen is responsible for delivering the ‘Protect’ and ‘Prevent’ strands of the Constabulary’s Cybercrime strategy and more generally the National Cyber Strategy, collaborating with partners in both the private and public sector, including peers at a regional and national level.
From a ‘Protect’ perspective, Chen delivers awareness, education and prevention advice to businesses, charities, and local communities to help reduce the impact of cybercrime against both the public and businesses.
Chen also works closely with partners and the educational sector to identify and divert young individuals who commit cybercrime offences and offer them alternative paths within the commercial world to steer them away from hacking and committing cybercrime.
Veridiana Granger
Cyber Protect & Prevent Staff Officer
Bedfordshire Police

Veridiana Granger is a Cyber Protect & Prevent Staff Officer working for Bedfordshire Police.
The role has multiple strands; to engage and provide Protect information to individuals, businesses, community groups and the education sector regarding the threat of Cybercrime, online safety and ultimately protecting and preventing people from becoming victims of Cybercrime.
Veridiana also works with partners to educate and prevent young people who may be at risk or already involved in this type of criminal activity, working with them to guide them away from crime and educating them on how their skills can be used within the boundaries of the law.
Lee Edwards-Gee
Cyber Prevent and Protect officer
Kent Police

Lee Joined Kent police in 2004 as a PCSO and has covered many roles including supervisory within Neighbourhood Policing for the past 19 years. Also working jointly in Kent police alongside Kent County council for 2 years on serious youth violence project.
Lee is the cyber prevent and protect officer and works within the intelligence section of the Serious Crime Directorate and has been in this role since December 2022.
Lee works with young subjects in relation to Prevent matters, working with partners to educate and prevent young people becoming involved in cyber related criminal activity with a national programme led by National Crime Agency. Providing diversionary methods to encourage the young person to use their skills and knowledge to be used within the boundaries of the law.
Lee is also a part of a national Cyber Protect network, which requires her to engage and provide information to businesses and local communities about the local threat of Cyber dependant crimes by delivering awareness, education and prevention advice and making referrals.
Gemma Theobald
Cyber Security Advisor
Norfolk & Suffolk Constabularies

Gemma works for the Cybercrime Unit in Norfolk and Suffolk Constabulary which sits in the Cyber, Intelligence and Serious Crime Directorate within the Protective Services.
Her role has three strands; to engage and provide information to individuals and businesses regarding the threat of Cybercrime, ultimately protecting our communities. This work includes identifying vulnerabilities and conducting assessments and bespoke security advice.
In the second strand Gemma works with partners to educate and prevent young people becoming involved in this type of criminal activity.
Finally, she supports projects which focus on improving the management and threat of Cybercrime through the Regional and National Framework.
Chris Bales
Cyber Security Advisor
Norfolk & Suffolk Constabularies

Chris works for the Cybercrime Unit in Norfolk and Suffolk Constabulary which sits in the Cyber, Intelligence and Serious Crime Directorate within the Protective Services.
His role has three strands; to engage and provide information to individuals and businesses regarding the threat of Cybercrime, ultimately protecting our communities. This work includes identifying vulnerabilities and conducting assessments and bespoke security advice.
In the second strand Chris works with partners to educate and prevent young people becoming involved in this type of criminal activity.
Finally, he supports projects which focus on improving the management and threat of Cybercrime through the Regional and National Framework.
Nigel Sutton
Fraud and Cyber Security Advisor
Cambridgeshire Constabulary

Nigel works for Cambridgeshire Constabulary within the Specialist Crime Team at Police HQ, and is a former police officer with over 20 years policing experience. In 2016, he was part of a small team of officers who established the force cyber investigation unit.
His current role profile is Fraud and Cyber Security Advisor, he is part of a national Cyber Protect network which requires him to engage and provide information to businesses and local communities about the local threat of Cybercrime, this work includes identifying vulnerabilities and conducting assessments and providing security advice using materials and guidance from the National Cyber Security Centre in London and other sources.
A secondary role is the Cyber Choices officer, a national programme led by the National Crime Agency in which he works with partners to educate and prevent young people becoming involved in cyber related criminal activity.
Hayley Potter
Cyber Protect Co-ordinator
Regional Team

Hayley has been in law enforcement since 2015, joining the ERSOU Cybercrime Unit in 2019 in a couple of roles before taking up the Regional Cyber Protect Coordinator role in 2021.
The Regional Protect Coordinators work closely with local force Cyber Protect Officers to help to deliver effective and coordinated Cyber Protect messaging to the public, businesses and other organisations to ensure the region is secure and resilient to cybercrime.
The Eastern ROCU works to support victims of various cyber-dependent crimes as well as delivering a variety of online and in-person events to improve the knowledge around cyber threats and how to defend against them.
John Greenwood
Cyber Protect Co-ordinator
Regional Team

John has worked in cybercrime policing for more than five years, starting at a local force level before joining ERSOU, a policing unit which works across eastern England to tackle a wide variety of criminal activity – including cybercrime. John has developed and delivered training and awareness to thousands of people across eastern England and he is a firm advocate of helping prepare and protect individuals and organisations from the threats of fraud and cybercrime.
Previously John has worked in the defence sector and as a teacher, so is always keen to make learning experiences engaging to ensure that people take away information to empower them to make long-term changes to their cyber behaviours. At ERSOU, he works to develop the response to cybercrime by coordinating the Cyber Protect officers in the seven force areas that come under the Eastern Region.
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